Jörgen Flink is the new conductor since 2022, but has visited us many times before. He is a well-known face on the conductor's desk in Swedish wind band music life, where he has conducted basically everything and everyone. For example Arméns Musikkår, Marinens Musikkår, Göteborg Wind Orchestra, Hemvärnets Stabsmusikkår, Arméns veteranmusikkår, Marinens Ungdomsmusikkår and Militärmusiksamfundets musikkår. Jörgen has also conducted theater and musical productions at both Teater Slagthuset and Nöjesteatern in Malmö. In addition to this, he has held lots of orchestral courses and taught conducting. He is currently a conducting teacher in the Home Guard. Jörgen also conducts the Malmö Brandkårs Orkester and Hemvärnets Musikkår, Lund. He regularly visits various types of orchestras around the country. Jörgen is educated at the Malmö Academy of Music and has studied conducting for Siegfried Naumann, among others. He is elected to the Swedish Conductors' Association.